Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Hair Do

So check out my new hair do, I like it and of course so does Mike, I keep telling him to get away from me, because I don't want to get knocked up again...hahahaha!!!! Also I have been losing weight almost 10 pounds I think, Mike however I think has gave up because I am kicking his butt in the weight loss competition. However, lately I have been at a plateau so we will see if I can break through it, not much more I can do with kids and no gym and no one to watch my kids so I can exercise more so if I don't I am okay with it too, because damn I have had 4 kids, in three years not many people have done that; that are not multiples, excluding the Dugger family on TLC, maybe Mike and I will be like them....YEAH RIGHT!!!! Well anyways, I took this video of Noah, blaming Noah's behavior on Daddy and when I was going through the camera I found a video of Maddie that Mike took without me knowing, blaming it on Mommy....too funny!!! Also going down on Monday to All Children's for Maddie to get a barium esphogram done so hopefully we will have some answers to why she is not eating, hopefully it is just extreme reflux.