Friday, July 25, 2008

Mom's Group "The Letter P"

We had a meeting today with the Alachua County Mom's group. Today the kids worked on the letter P. Their were puppets to play with, painting, art work with pasta, puzzles, pouring things, princess and princes dress-up and they even made little veggie pizza's. Talan however woke up this morning in a grumpy mood with a low grade fever so needless to say he was not a ray of sunshine at the meeting. He didn't even won't to walk in the door so you know that started it off SUPER GREAT!!! After about an hour of whinning on and off he finally started crying that he wanted to go home. Mike was home from lunch and could also tell he was not himself, I just hope he is not starting to get sick. When he got hom he laid down and watched TV to rest.