Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aquarium July 26th

We took the kids to the aquarium today, with our friend Chrissy and her two kids Zack and Madison. My parents also met us their which Talan and Noah loved. All the kids were good, except when I wouldn't give Talan a snack right away he threw himself down and started kicking off his shoes in the middle of the aquarium, but he finally settled down thanks to Mike and Pooh (my dad). The kids played in the water part of the Aquarium after and then we went to Hooters for lunch, which I believe everyone ate most of thier food (we were starved). Needless to say all the kids fell asleep on the way home, but Noah woke up early because he had a BIG POOP in his pants so we had to pull over on 19 and change him. Overall it was a good day.