Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michigan Trip

We did many activities in Michigan, which included lots of ice cream eating, horseback riding and canoeing. I got to ride in the wagon again for the 2nd year in a row and will probably have to next year because of the new baby, unless I can talk someone else into doing it and letting me ride a horse. Talan got to ride his own horse this year and led the trail group. I was in the wagon in front of him and he TALKED the girls ear off the whole time, she was laughing at some of the things he was saying. Noah rode with his daddy, however next year he can ride on his own horse and will get to lead the group. Our favorite activity is canoeing, it takes us about 90 minutes to canoe down this part of a river, it is so peacefull. The boys did great, Melissa stayed home with the babies so it wouldn't be too hard on them. Also the boys wanted to go tubing, they were scared at first but after a few minutes they loved it and kept asking to go faster.
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Kaye said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. My little Maddie is looking more and more like her Nana every day. ALthough she has beautful blue eyes like both sides who were gifted with this color.
Love Mom